Friday 12 August 2011

KJ Marah Chin Chin (tajuk kontroversi)

Chin Chin Caring University Mates Honoured (Sin Chew Daily)
Article date: 01 June 2008
By Vincent Low Seng Guan

“PETALING JAYA, June 1 (Bernama) -- Cerebral palsy-afflicted Tan Chin Chin, 26, may have won Universiti Sains Malaysias (USM) highest award for best student, the Chancellor Gold Medal Award, but that gritty achievement in 2006 would not have been possible if not for the help of her university mates.

It was neighbour and good friend, Jameyah Sheriff, who helped Chin Chin to apply for medical aid at the university when they both were accepted into USM.

Jameyah even opted to study for the same degree in Social Science majoring in Anthropology/Sociology just to be around to help Chin Chin when the need arose. And as for Azwani Mansor, she stayed a floor above Chin Chin in the students hostel. She came down to help whenever Chin Chin texted her on the mobile phone.

What Jameyah and Azwani did during their four years together at USM in Penang touched the hearts of many and did not go unnoticed.”

Chin Chin, she’s cute, smart, full of sense of humour and most important she has a caring heart.  Being a single mom with 6 kids make me realized that there are more people out there that need our hands for helps.  I want my kids to be her friend and I   brought her to my house, meet my children, and she becomes part of my family.  

We shared many happy and challenging moments together.  My 2nd daughter, she suffered from a brain tumor when she was 16 years old and doctor told me that she may become cerebral palsy if the operation don’t went well.  But Alhamdulillah, she’s fine now with 2 beautiful children (a girl and a boy).  And when I met Chin Chin, I felt how lucky I am, that my daughter survived from the tumor, otherwise I will also have a daughter like Chin Chin, that has to go through many challenges in her life, even until today.  She becomes my inspiration as well as to my children. 

Bagi saya Chin Chin, lebih matang dari usianya.  Sikapnya yang sentiasa “risau” tentang semua hal, seringkali membuatkan saya ketawa.  Banyak yang kami kongsi bersama, bukan hanya kami teman belajar, tetapi juga teman berbual tentang hal-hal peribadi yang akan terus menjadi kenangan antara kami berdua.  Pernah satu hari, hujan lebat dan kami ada kuliah di SK4. Bayangkan bagaimana kami berdua berjalan dengan sebatang payung dan beg, untuk menaiki tangga SK4 yang tinggi, dan hari itu Chin Chin hampir jatuh dari tangga dan kami berdua basah kuyup.  

Sikap Chin yang selalu saya “marah” ialah suka memandang rendah tentang diri dan kebolehannya.  Saya, seperti ibu-ibu lain, akan mula berleter dan menasihatkan Chin Chin yang apa sahaja boleh dilakukan kalau kita berusaha dan berfikiran positif. Agaknya “marah” sayalah yang melayakkan Chin dianugerahkan “Pingat Emas” oleh USM.  Dalam melawak, saya katakan pada Chin, sepatutnya, saya juga patut dianugerahkan pingat…tapi “Pingat Pegang Tangan”… Dan akhirnya saya dan Azwani mendapat anugerah dari Sin Chew Daily “Anugerah Penyayang” pada tahun 2008, yang mana saya sendiri tidak pernah terfikir ada pihak lain di luar sana yang menghargai bantuan saya kepada Chin Chin. 

Bersambung…..pengalaman beli “vegetarian food” …


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