Thursday 22 September 2011


The Journey Never End

21st September 2011, Tuesday mark the first day of the 44th graduation day for USM graduates session 2011. USM has come long way since its establishment about more than four decades ago.

As an alumni of USM and also alumni of Kelab Penyayang USM, graduation means a lot to me. There were thousands of feelings mixed up as the convocation day arrived sometime in August 2007. I must say, I panicked - not to give the idea that I’m not eager to attend the convocation but receiving your precious scroll after 3 years of struggle means the journey have END and somehow, it makes me really sad.

USM at Heart

Does it really end? Dear all forgive me. I get the wrong idea at that current of time. The journey of acquiring knowledge, the journey of self-improvement never ends. It’s like the Never Ending Story movie – from one page, you just move to the next page and the pages will never end.

In fact, I have learned that - the END does not matter much but the PROCESS and the JOURNEY to get to the end is the most valuable. To those Penyayang members - let re-live the memory of our graduation day.

Azliza Zulaikha graduated from School of Biology - sclerosis...kudos kak Izza! 

Chin Chin (cerebral palsy) and Kj's big day-both from school of social sciences

Asmaq Ashaari's graduation, pict here with husband- both mute and deaf! way to go kak asmaq!! :)

Present is a must ~ Kak Wani's (black attire-adorable Heroes of the Heart) and Chin Chin's convocation

Since I've been there, there are some TIPS on graduation day for juniors that I thought to be importance (i’m smiling now: kiss and hug to juniors who will graduates soon):

1. Be excited! It’s your big day - one of your big days actually!


2. Be punctual - take care of your timing!

3. To siswi and also the siswa, don’t over makeup yourself, you’ll get sweaty and oily and annoy with your attire!! By the end of the day, it’s too late when you realise that you look so horrible in most of your convo pictures! Trust me! I’ve been there!

4. Don’t over blink-blink, overdose of blink– you know what I mean kaaaannnnn. Be moderate and keep yourself looking professional - you want to keep those pictures of yours in your future office and you want to be proud to look at it even when you’re 50 years old.

Raihan's (left-KP treasury session 2007) graduation

5. Bring a lot of tissues! It’s crucial considering our 2 seasons weather!

6. Plan ahead – where the rest of your family going to be while you in hall, where to meet afterwards, where to park the car. Plan the logistic! Because convocation day is also the chaotic day! You don’t want to lose your mood because you can’t locate the rest of your family and friends while the day is hot and the graduation cap keep slipping from your head!

secure your graduation cap

7. And yes, take care of your valuable things, your BB i.e nokia kaa...actually, any type of handphone, your DSLR cam i.e Olympus poon count..hehe, your wallet, your purse, your keys etc. Take a really good measurement and precaution to secure all those things. You don’t want to lose those things to  thieve like what happen to Pak Cik’s family – missing things are the most unwanted spoiler!

take care of your belongings guys

8. Be considerate to OKUs, OLD-FOLKs and PARENTs (other people's parents too) - they come a long way - if you know what I REALLY mean.

Well, that just it that I can think of for now. On behalf of alumni Penyayang USM and also my humble self - congratulation to all graduates and KUDOS TO THE OKU GRADUATES on your graduation!!

“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. You are the guy who'll decide where to go.” Dr. Seuss quotes.

KP's session 2005-2006 former MT from left Ryn, Ayu, Khairi and Khairiah

and to those who's in Penang, don't forget to visit the convocation expo site :)

p/s: i have hundreds of KP members' graduation pictures but forgive me dear all, the softcopy is not with me for now - therefore, i can only utilise what i already have. Anyway, all are welcome to share their convocation experiences!! Because we are all Heroes of the Heart \(^_^)/

*iman nur aima*


  1. pic yg 2nd last... terBAIKKKKKKKKkkkk...
    wakakakakaaa.... da best ever! huhu..

  2. wah best-est! convocation 101



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